I thought I'd catch up with the blog with a look at the great and weird collective noun.
Collective nouns are single entities that are formed by one
or more person, animal or thing. You cannot have a troupe, family or team of
one person. You need at least two people to form a collective
Singular collective
Depending on the context, collective nouns can be both
plural and singular. The fact that this double categorization exists can cause
grammatical agreement errors in sentences. To avoid grammatical agreement
errors, the correct verbs and pronouns must be used with collective nouns to
form a correct sentence.
When the people in a group that form a collective noun
are doing something in unison with the other members of the group, a collective
noun becomes singular and requires the use of singular pronouns and verbs. The
following examples all show the use of singular verbs and pronouns, as all the
members of the collective noun group are doing the same thing in unison.
Each afternoon after school, the football team follows its
coach onto the school pitch for practice.
The collective noun ‘team’ is singular and is combined with
the singular verb ‘follows’ and the singular pronoun ‘its’. All the members of the
football team act as one and do the same activity at the same time and in the
same place.
This morning, Mr Evan’s class takes its second multiple
choice chemistry exam.
The collective noun ‘class’ is singular and is combined with
the singular verb ‘takes’ and the singular pronoun ‘its’. All the students of
the class will take the chemistry exam at the same time.
The jury agrees that the prosecution’s case was not strong
enough to convict the accused, so its verdict is not guilty.
The collective noun ‘jury’ is singular and is correctly
followed by the singular verb ‘agrees’ and the singular pronoun ‘its’. All the
members of the jury have come to the same conclusion.
Plural collective
A collective noun can be plural when the members of the
group are doing different things. There can be one group of people or things,
but each member is performing their own activity so the collective noun is
plural. When this is the case, the collective noun requires the use of plural
pronouns and verbs to be grammatically correct. The following examples show
members of collective nouns that are not doing actions in unison.
After the fast paced football match under the very hot sun,
the team shower, change into their normal clothes and head to their homes.
The collective noun ‘team’ is plural this time and is
followed by the plural verbs ‘shower, change and head’. The plural pronoun
‘their’ is also used. The members of the football team get dressed into their
individual normal clothes and leave in separate directions to go to their
individual homes.
After completing the chemistry exam, the class start working
on their research projects on scientific breakthroughs of the 20th
The collective noun ‘class’ is plural as the members of the
class start projects at different times, on different scientific breakthroughs
and at different times. The plural verb ‘start’ and the plural pronoun ‘their’
are used.
The jury disagree over the strength of the evidence and have
told the judge that they are unable to come to a unanimous verdict.
The collective noun ‘jury’ is plural as the members of the
jury are not in agreement. The plural verbs ‘disagree’ and ‘have told’ are used
along with the plural pronoun ‘they’.
Solutions to
grammatical agreement errors
If you are struggling to decide whether a collective noun is
plural or singular, you can change the composition of the sentence to avoid
grammatical agreement errors.
A simple solution is to add the word ‘members’ after the use
of a collective noun.
The family members
The team members
The board members
Another solution is to replace the collective noun with
another word entirely.
Instead of ‘senate’ use ‘senators’
Instead of ‘team’ use ‘players’
Instead of ‘class’ use ‘students’
Now never say that I don't teach you anything!